Wisdom Circles

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards accessing your inner wisdom?

Join us for the

Unfolding Wisdom Series

a five-part exploration designed to guide you to

a deeper connection with your own wise self on your journey to wholeness


are an invitation to honour the wisdom in every one of us

and co-create a wiser world.

Together we:

· strengthen our intention to access and listen to our own wisdom.

· engage the wise sage in ourselves.

· access collective wisdom.

· engage with inner and outer dialogue about wisdom, and

· strengthen our courage and commitment to follow its guidance.

What to Expect in the Series:

1. Shifting our Paradigm

Move from the self-improvement paradigm of developing wisdom and reorient to the unfoldment paradigm to discover the wisdom within

“Paradoxically, this shift releases huge potential for transformation" Joel Monk

2. Creating Space for Unfolding

Remove the obstacles and cultivate practices for creating space to deepen the unfoldment.

"Live in the question …. keep asking the question even as answers arise and watch an unfolding depth of wisdom happen

Steve March

3. Attunement

Experience and understand the power of attunement as it leverages the paradox of unfoldment, oscillate between experience-distant and experience-near conversation.

Feel the deficiencies and let it unfold; It won’t be more deficient. It will be something else.” Connie and Helen

4. Deepening Our Presence

Tune into and palpate felt experiences, deepening the unfolding process in the present moment.

What is hidden within will dictate what will appear on the outside” Master, El Morya

5. Embodied Wisdom

Learn to release complexity, to soften and to relax into your life. Deepen connection with yourself, others, and the world.

"We go beyond knowing intellectually that we are energy and we actually embody our energetic nature. Exchange with life beneath the physical and material levels to life’s subtler level. Here is where change is most readily available to us” Dr Sue Morter

Why Join the Series:

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the depths of your potential and guide on your journey to wholeness.

· Self-Discovery: Experience this profound journey of self-discovery and exploration.

· Community Support: Connect with like-minded individuals in a safe and nurturing environment.

· Practical Approach: Learn practical approaches to access wisdom in your daily life.

· Transformative Insights: Gain insights that will empower you to navigate life's challenges with strength and grace.

· Holistic Approach: Explore wisdom integrating mind, body, and spirit.

How to Join:

Register today and embark on Unfolding Wisdom in your Walk into Wisdom

Dates: at 4:30 pm Pacific, 5:30 pm Mountain, 7:30 pm Eastern

  • October 15 - shifting our paradigm

  • October 30 - creating space for unfoldment

  • November 12 - attuning to our innate knowing

  • December 3 - deepening presence

  • December 17 - embodied wisdom

Location: You will receive a Zoom Link after registration.

Investment in Yourself:

Series (Five Circles)

· Early Bird - $99 by October 7

· Regular - $149 (33% Discount)

Individual Circle - $30 each 

Series (Five Circles)

Individual Circle - $30 each 

We look forward to walking this wisdom path with you!

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If you are ready to unlock the key to your leadership potential, unleash your team's engagement, energy and connection and

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The Future Is In Your Hands

a 7-min Read

Our Purpose

We equip team leaders with impactful, actionable resources to
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Our Why


Work should never be soul sucking
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Leaders create the space for their teams to thrive
- when leaders own this, the team transforms.

Together, all team members are
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- when the team owns this, their work world transforms.


of F.R.E.S.H. now Quick Start

Here you will be introduced to our proven F.R.E.S.H now framework with a sampling of tools and practices to begin

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start to create your F.R.E.S.H. team now.

Are you ready to create a F.R.E.S.H. team?